By Andy Butcher
My morning assignment at the regional daily newspaper where I worked in England was to cover a royal visit. Prince Charles was going to be in the area to open a new hospital wing.
These events were typically fairly routine—tag along behind the royal party, get a few quotes from the people who got to shake hands with the king-in-waiting. But this one turned out to be a little different, though I wasn’t aware of the significance at the time.
Prince Charles was accompanied by someone who drew more attention from the crowds than he did: a young lady named Diana Spencer, making her first public appearance. People were more interested in getting to shake her hand than that of their future monarch.
It wasn’t the last time he would be upstaged, of course. A couple of years later, I was in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, tucked behind a pillar with other members of the world’s press who had won a prized seat in the giant media lottery for the event. In marrying Charles and becoming the Princess of Wales, Diana ushered in a whole new level of royal-watching.
Long after her tragic death, the House of Windsor still seems to hold a unique fascination for people around the world. Nothing happens in a vacuum, so why this enduring interest? Are “sticky” news topics merely something perpetuated by the media or is something else going on? Perhaps some of the breaking news that draws attention does so because it subconsciously—even spiritually—taps into a more timeless narrative.
Most people would probably agree that the British royal family has a global appeal unlike any other country’s. Why so? Could that be because of God’s thumbprint? If He reflects aspects of His nature and character through nations (something many Americans would at least claim for their country) as well as individuals, might the British monarchy offer a glimpse or a flicker of God’s majesty?
The late respected church leader Jack Hayford certainly seemed to think so. His widely sung chorus, “Majesty,” was inspired by his and his wife’s visit to England during Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation silver jubilee. “While visiting many of the castles of the land, I began to sense the influence one might feel if raised as a child in such regal settings,” he wrote. “So powerfully did the sense of Christ Jesus’ royalty, dignity, and majesty fill my heart; I seemed to feel something new of what it meant to be His!”
In the light of that, all the stories about royal scandals, squabbles and sickness—Prince Harry on the outs, King Charles’ and Princess Kate’s illnesses—that are eagerly devoured to this day may have a weight to them that’s not immediately apparent. Beyond the headlines, are people being drawn to something higher? Perhaps this seemingly “throwaway” content needs to be understood in a broader, timeless context. What is the bigger picture for this snapshot?
I’m reminded of another royal moment with larger meaning, while living in Holland. Queen Beatrix visited the site of a plane crash that had killed dozens of people. Relatives clamored to get close and shake her hand. “They’re looking for a King,” murmured a pastor ministering in the aftermath of the disaster.
May we have the discernment to see like that pastor, and like Elisha’s servant in 2 Kings 6. As far as he could tell, things were desperate when the king of Aram sent an army to surround Dothan and capture Elisha. “What are we to do?” he asked (v.15).
“Do not be afraid,” Elisha answered, “for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (v.16). “Then Elisha prayed, ‘O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.’ And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw that the hills were full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha” (vv.17-18).
In the midst of bad news, there’s likely more going on of which we are not aware. The latest report may be part of a bigger story.
Andy Butcher is Editorial Director for Four Rivers Media’s book and magazine publishing. A veteran magazine and newspaper editor with major stints as director of Youth With a Mission Press & Media Services, senior writer at Charisma magazine and editor of Christian Retailing magazine, he has served EPA as a contest judge and board member. Learn more at andybutcheronline.com.
Posted Sept. 3, 2024